Neue Website

A new website to discover or rediscover the Manniello method The Manniello Method, an innovative dietary program based on the correct combination of foods for better digestion and assimilation, proudly announces the launch of its new website. More modern, more ergonomic and more complete, the new site aims to make healthy, sustainable eating accessible to […]

Nutrition Quantum

The Manniello Method explores the power of quantum nutrition in a new book The Manniello Method, an innovative dietary program based on the correct combination of foods for better digestion and assimilation, today unveils its new book: “Alimentation Quantique”. The book explores the fascinating link between food and quantum physics, and offers practical advice on […]

Neue Anwendung

The Manniello Method launches a new application for a personalized, streamlined experience The Manniello Method, an innovative dietary program based on the correct combination of foods for better digestion and assimilation, proudly announces the launch of its new mobile app. The app, designed to offer a personalized, streamlined experience, allows users to easily track their […]

Nimm mich …

Die Begriffe ‘Gute Gesundheit‘ und ‘langes Leben‘ sind heutzutage in aller Mundee. Zur gleichen Zeit aber müssen wir uns mit Phänomenen wie Übergewicht, Fettleibigkeit, groβen Risikopathologien wie erhöhtem Cholesterin, Bluthochdruck und Diabetes, aber auch mit Depressionen und Gesundheitserziehung auseinander setzen. Es ist leicht zu sagen, dass diese Phänomene ein gesellschaftliches Problem sind, aber wir sollten […]